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时间:2020-07-18 18:39来源:未知 点击:

我公司是国际货运代理行业的创新型企业,秉承“精准、高效、安全、广泛”的经营理念和以人为本的企业文化。我司拥有一支精干的运营管理团队,管理层均从事进出口报关或国际货运代理行业10年左右的经验,熟悉海关的法律法规和关务操作流程,同时具备丰富的通关实践经验。我司员工毕业于报关专业或国际贸易专业。具备丰富的专业操作经验,均通过海关和检验检疫机构组织的专业培训,并取得了相关的职业资格证书。同时,我司通过MTG、WCA等国际货代组织与海外代理建立了不间断的联系网络,确保了货物信息的全球同步以及对客户信息的反馈时效。另外,与相关政府部门、各大航空公司和船公司、运输车队及仓库堆场有着良好的合作关系,可以为您提供报检、报关、仓储与配送、国际货运、以及国外清关等港到港、门到门的“一条龙”全程服务。平稳坚固的合作平台与服务质量,能为您提供最佳、最优化的运输方案和最安全、最便捷的服务;熟练的操作,能满足您多方面的需求,让您的货物更安全、更快捷的出运,让您的进出口贸易业务更加顺利的开展,使YOUR FREIGHT的服务遍布全球。 我们的服务理念是: 专业化的人才提供专业化的服务,专业化的公司经营专业化的市场。 我们的服务宗旨是: 客户的满意就是我们的成绩,客户的需要就是我们的工作。 我们的工作观念是: 诚信做人,认真做事,热爱工作,超越自我。 通过全体员工的共同努力,公司拥有了一支专业、高效的业务团队,并与许多大型国有企业、跨国公司、外资企业等建立了良好的合作关系。 公司经营业务:航空运输、进出口报关、海运集装箱运输、海运散杂货运输、内路运输等。approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the State Council, is a comprehensive international logistics enterprise specializing in domestic container international shipping, air transportation, third-party logistics and supply chain management solutions. The company has a team of professionals with many years of experience. The company uses the system, strict management mechanism, and provides reliable transportation guarantee for the goods with rich international transportation experience and professional service concept.

      Adhering to the business philosophy of “leading service and focusing on shipping”, the company has gained advantages in traditional shipping, air transportation, warehousing, customs clearance, etc. At the same time, it has new advantages in network distribution, storage value-added, large-size transportation, exhibition transportation, and overseas engineering projects. The business field has sprung up. In order to connect with the international market faster and better, the company has established a modern logistics business collaboration platform to achieve zero-distance communication of information in all aspects of logistics and supply chain. Leading logistics is accurately positioned in the wave of the market, advancing with the times, and established a well-known logistics service brand.

      Realize the ideals of our customers and customers in the service, bit by bit, persevere, realize technological innovation, system innovation and service innovation, ensure the scientificity of working methods, the accuracy of operational behavior, and become a reliable and satisfied logistics enterprise. To provide customers with high-quality, all-round transportation and supply chain logistics solutions; our service network covers more than 180 countries and regions around the world, serving nearly 330 cities in China; through a strong international transportation network and a sound domestic logistics system , has become an international transportation partner of many international buyers and manufacturers, and we also provide freight space, packaging and warehousing services for many domestic and foreign counterparts.